Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Monday Sabbatical

Yesterday, I put my Bible and notes in my backpack, along with water and some snacks and headed to the Potomac Highlands region of West Virginia. Temperatures reached 90 in Morgantown, but the thermometer on my Jeep never climbed over 82. The reason for my solo journey was to clear my head and gather thoughts for a 3-week series I'm going to be starting this Sunday dealing with our spiritual battle against Satan, and putting on the full armor of God. The big idea for the series to make people realize that we are in a spiritual battle, and that we need to move to the frontline of the battlefield if we are going to make a kingdom impact. When we move to the frontlines, we should expect resistance and assaults from Satan and his forces. To be ready for the frontline, we've got to "armor all", putting on the full armor described in Ephesians 6. If you have suggestions or have preached this before, please send any relevant material my way.

1 comment:

Aaron Johnson said...

Hope you heard from God!