Sunday, July 30, 2006

Rolling Thunder

This weekend, an estimated 50,000 motorcycle enthusiasts hit the streets of Morgantown for the 2nd annual Mountainfest. Also in town this weekend were Mike and Deby Prince. Mike is our church planting coach and has been in the area for the past week and a half coaching church planters. He and Deby have been a big-time encouragement to our team over the past several days. Being a biker himself, Mike was interested in the vintage motorcycle exhibit, so the three of us spent some time checking out vintage motorcycles, some dating back to the early 1900's.

Today was a good day at StoneBridge. God again blessed us with new faces and we set a record for attendance over any previous summer month. David and Tom led an acoustic worship set today, both playing guitars. It was awesome. David was right...Tom can really move around the fretboard and his family is bringing new talent to the table. There were two new songs introduced today, both relating to Psalm 23:6, the text for today's message. Jason closed out the Psalm 23 series on a solid note, with the encouraging message about God's goodness and mercy. The only thing missing was a recording of "who let the dogs out?" (inside joke). All in all, a great day, and Flo and Mo both made appearances. I pray that we are able to keep the momentum building through August and then through the fall. I believe it is entirely possible that we may double in attendance over the next few months. Please join me in that prayer.

One other note: tonight we launch our new AdventureLife small group, comprised of several individuals that have never been involved with StoneBridge small groups before. This is an outdoor adventure group, and tonight we will be hiking out to Cheat View, sharing Scripture together, watching the sun (if it ever comes out) go down, and hiking out by flashlight. Good times. I'm thankful that God has placed me here. I can't imagine being anywhere else.

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