Thursday, August 24, 2006

Shane the Barbarian

Barbarians make good friends. They stretch you and make you think. They pull you out of your comfort zone. My friend Shane is a barbarian. After pastoring a local church in Morgantown for two years, he realized that he could not accomplish the vision and mission that God has placed on his life. In June, he resigned, left a good salary behind with no prospective income lined up, and launched out into the deep to pursue God's plan for him and his family. When he did this, I told him I thought he was crazy. I couldn't understand why he would take such a financial risk and wondered if he was making a rash decision. In spite of the doubts that I had and many others had, Shane stayed true to the vision. He was willing to take risks for the vision and to suffer for the vision.

Shane and a core group of 25 people will be launching Crossroads Church this fall. God has given them a vision of reaching the lost and unchurched of Westover and Granville with the good news of Jesus Christ. They have a vision to reach the underprivileged, to start a food pantry, and eventually to house the homeless through the ministries of our church. Their church will fill a huge void and will help advance God's kingdom work in the greater Morgantown area. I'm thankful for Shane and I know God placed him in my life to challenge me and to stretch me. Rock on Shane.

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