Monday, August 28, 2006

Mobile Pastors

I struggle understanding the logic behind church planters spending hundreds of dollars on office space. I have enjoyed the freedom of calling the Blue Moose Cafe and Panera home, studying and administrating in the midst of the marketplace. Being in the middle of the marketplace gives me a chance to feel the pulse fo the culture and listen to the hot coffee conversations of the day. It gives me a chance to build and develop relationships that would not be possible inside the four walls of an office. Besides that, the Blue Moose is one of the great locales in all of Morgantown, an eclectic mix of people groups that come together to form a unique community in the heart of downtown.

Jason's mobile office made the headline news of the Daily Athenaeum, WVU's daily newspaper. You can check out the article here.


Sheff said...

Man, that guy is sure U-G-L-Y. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh that is my baby! Did you make the newspaper, Honey? It is quite different than when you sat in Kindergarten, huh? Have a God Blessed day! I love you, Mom