Monday, November 05, 2007

Birthdays, Flying Little Men, and Such

On Friday night, our family joined three other families from her office for a trip to the circus in Pittsburgh. It's been three years since we saw the Ringling Bros. show in Tucson, and it was great as usual. I'm proud of Janna overcoming her fear of fire, which started in a Japanese steak house in Morgantown several years ago. My favorite act was a group of about 10 Asian guys flying all over the building, juggling hats, forming human chains, catapaulting off of swings, and other crazy stuff. They were great. The tigers were tame, compared to those guys.

Didn't know what to expect going into yesterday's worship gathering at the Warner. Our church celebrated 4 years in Morgantown by kicking off a new series (Everybody), eating pizza and cake, and watching "Meet the Robinsons" (Rated G :)) with free popcorn and drinks. We had 104 people show up for worship, which beat our old record attendance by one. I couldn't help but notice how young the crowd was. Jason and I are now the old guys at church. God is stirring in the hearts of people here and it is exciting to watch.

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