Monday, May 21, 2007

The Great Commission, Neighbors, and Killin the Stank

Yesterday Aaron, Andrew, their families, and the core group from Project Ecclesia in Washington PA came down to visit our service. Aaron continued our OneEight theme talking about the desperation to seek the lost as Jesus taught in Luke 15. It was a good day, and it was great to see them again.
Most of you know that we are in the middle of a complete bathroom remodeling project, which is not a big deal for some, but for someone like me who struggles to install windshield wipers on my car, it is a big deal! Well, my neighbors are bailing me out big time. On Saturday, we had a combined garage sale with my neighbors Rich and Trish, and Rich offered to come up and help me put in a subfloor and lay vinyl tonight! He also has plenty of tools which will help get the job done.

Another recent development at the Knight compound has been the emergence of black, stinky gunk seeping up in my yard. You guessed it...we've got a code red on the septic tank. The stank emerged last Tuesday when our entire small group was sitting in my front yard and the wind started to blow our direction. Everybody high-tailed it for the other side of the house. Not good. When I went to dig to find the septic tank lid, I found probably the hardest, rocky soil on my property. Yesterday, my neighbor Ron bailed me out by bringing his Kubota and his backhoe to dig up the lid. After 15 minutes, we were done.

This morning Morgantown Septic Tank service came to pump our junk and clean it up. The dude said we were about two flushes from serious back up into the house. Thank you God for saving the house from utter stinkage!

We've got some awesome neighbors, and God is giving our family prime opportunities to build relationships, new friendships, and to share the love of Jesus with Green Valley Estates, although right now they are the ones sharing the love! One one of my neighbors, Jeremiah, has a meaningful church relationship. Keep praying that the two of us can make an impact and reach our neighbors for Jesus.

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