Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Only in Morgantown

So it's Halloween evening, I'm driving through gridlock traffic near the old stadium loop, and what do I see? A dude walking across campus in a white dress shirt with no pants on. That's right, no pants. During past Halloweens in Morgantown, I have seen other outlandish "costumes", many of which are unmentionable due my desire to keep this blog family friendly.

In a few moments, I'm heading over to the BCM worship gathering where David will be leading worship for the first time in his illustrious career with an electric guitar (Fender telecaster?). We are also going to do some video interviews to be shown at the StoneBridge B-Day bash on Sunday.

1 comment:

David M. Coe said...

This is one of the "side effects" of living in a "major university" town.

I trust he was at least wearing underwear!
