Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Busy week away from the blogosphere

My hiatus from the blogging world stemmed from an extremely busy week, highlighted by my Mom's visit from Dallas. It's a rare treat to have my Mom visit, and I dropped all inessential activities accordingly.

Sunday's worship gathering was stellar. God's spirit seemed to be moving through our people as we experienced a powerful time of worship, and Jason gave a powerful talk relating Paul's experience at Mars Hill in Acts 17 to our new opportunities stemming from the release of the Da Vinci code movie. David wrote a hilarious impromptu song during setup time(Adam Sandler would be proud)refuting the Da Vinci code.
David, you need to record that song and post it to your website. Also on Sunday, Loren (one of our WVU students) shared about her upcoming short-term mission trip to Russia and we challenged our people to pray and give toward this effort. Loren has a real heart for God and it is exciting to partner with her for this trip. We ended the service with a special prayer/commissioning time for her. Awesome day!

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