Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Kids Day

On Saturday, July 14th, StoneBridge will be sponsoring a booth at Kids Day, a Main Street Morgantown sponsored event. We're going to do some cool stuff for kids such as crafts, face painting, inflatables, etc. We're also going to have the chance to promote our Sports Camp coming in late July.

If you have any good ideas that we can implement at Kids Day, let me know.

1 comment:

Bro. Matt said...

Well, since I don't know what all you do at kid's day, here are a couple of ideas.

One: Hand out ESV (or some other version) new testaments, etc. This could be a cheap way of getting the Word of God into their hands.

Two: M&M's has a program where you can put your church or business info on m&m's! Kids love candy and the parents would see the church name.

Well, these may or may not work for you, but you asked for suggestions!